Eptatretus wayuu and Quadratus ancon are described from the Caribbean coast of Colombia at depths of 300–306 m and 470–488 m, respectively. Eptatretus wayuu is a five-gilled species with only two slime pores on one side of the body (slime pores present only on median side of first two left gill apertures and first and last or first two right gill apertures) and an anteriorly branched ventral aorta. Quadratus ancon exhibits the diagnostic characteristics for Quadratus (nonlinear and crowded gill apertures). Quadratus ancon is a six-gilled species with gill apertures closely and irregularly crowded, the last left efferent branchial duct not joining the pharyngocutaneous duct, more cusps, higher prebranchial and total slime pore counts than congeners. The new species are compared among other geographically and morphological proximate Eptatretus, Paramyxine, and Quadratus species. Quadratus ancon is the first species of this genus to be reported from the Caribbean Sea.
Se describe a Eptatretus wayuu y Quadratus ancon a partir de los holotipos y un paratipo colectado en la costa Caribe colombiana a profundidades entre 300–306 m y 470–488 m, respectivamente. Eptatretus wayuu es una especie de cinco aberturas branquiales con su aorta ventral ramificada anteriormente. Quadratus ancon es una especie de seis aberturas branquiales estrechas e irregularmente amontonadas y el ultimo ducto branquial eferente izquierdo no unido al ducto faringocutaneo. Se les comparan con otras especies de Eptatretus y Paramyxine y/o Quadratus characteristicas similares descritas previamente por otros autores. Quadratus ancon es el primer Myxinido con aberturas branquiales amontonadas que se registra para el mar de las Antillas.